Mar 5, 2010

How to Say Japanese Numbers

First of all, lets us start our japanese learning from learn japanese numbers

1 = ichi
2 = ni   
3 = san   
4 = shi
5 = go
6 = roku
7 = shichi / nana
8 = hachi
9 = kyuu
10 = juu

for numbers from 11-19 you can say like this.
11 is 10+1 so you say juuichi
12 = juuni
13 = juusan
19 = juukyuu

for numbers from 20-21
20 is 2 + 10 = nijuu
21 is 2 + 1 = nijuuichi
21 = nijuuni
29 = nijuukyuu

30 = sannjuu

and 100 = hyaku !!

for numbers like 1000 and 100000
1000 = sen
so if 2000 become ni-sen
10000 = man
so if 20000 become ni-man
100000 = juu-man
1000000 = hyaku man

To the step 2


  1. man...
    I love this..
    I love japan very much... I'll be waiting your next post..

  2. thx- ill post as many as i can :D

  3. Hi, but as i know 4=yon? When to say yon and when say shi ne?
