Jan 27, 2023

About Tengu in Japan

Tengu are legendary creatures from Japanese folklore that are said to have originated from the Chinese Tiangou. They are typically depicted as a combination of bird and human features, often with a long nose or beak, and are known for their supernatural abilities. They are considered powerful and mischievous spirits, known for their martial arts skills and their ability to shape-shift.

In Japanese folklore, Tengu are believed to live in the mountains and forests, and are often associated with the god of the hunt. They are also associated with Shugendo, a form of Japanese mountain asceticism that involves martial arts training, and they are often depicted with a weapon such as a sword or a fan. They are also associated with the god of martial arts, Takemikazuchi

In religious context, Tengu are also considered as protector of Buddhism. They are often depicted in temple art and in temple stories as protectors of sacred places and as guides for the souls of the dead.

In modern pop culture Tengu are used in anime and manga, in video games and in other forms of media, often depicted as characters with supernatural powers and abilities.

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