Apr 15, 2010

Particle no wa wo ni ga

 In this post, i want try to give you some explanation about particles like no wa wo ni ga that you must know to make a japanese sentences. Maybe you have some image, when you use which particle because of many example sentences i gave.

1. Particle * No の *

 In the Japanese language, as well as forming words, の may be a particle showing  possession.

  Exsample :

   Watashi no kaban (わたしのかばん)
   My Bag

   Watashi no namae (わたしのなまえ)
   My Name

   Andy no enpitsu (アンディのえんぴつ)
   Andy's pencil

2. Particle * Wa ( Writes Ha but read as wa) は *

 Wa is a grammatical particle that serve as the topic marker of the sentence.

  Exsample :

   Watashi wa gakusei desu ( わたしはがくせいです)
   Im a student

   Haha wa 40 sai desu (ははは40さいです)
   My mother is 40 years old

3. Particle * o ( Writes wo but read as o) を *

 O Used especially to clarify when someone misunderstands what has been said.

  Exsample :

   Hon o yonde imasu ( ほんをよんでいます )
   Im reading a book

   Shashin o totte kudasai ( しゃしんをとってください )
   Please take a shot(photo)

4. Particle * ni に *

 As a particle, に  generally expresses direction, with a similar function to the English 'to'.

  Exsample :

   Sensei ni watashite kudasai(せんせいにわたしてください)
   Please give to teacher

   Su-pa-ma-ketto ni ikimasu(スーパーマーケットにいきます)
   Go to super market

5. Particle * ga が*

 が generally used before a verb, and it has almost same function to the は.

  Exsamples :

   Enpitsu ga nakunari mashita ( えんぴつがなくなりました)
   Lost a pencil

   Nihon go ga shaberemasu (にほんごがしゃべれます)
   Can speak japanese

To Step 11

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